What is a Crossword Poem?

Crossword poems are poems composed with words found in a single crossword puzzle. The "across" section of the poem uses words from the across clues. The "down" section uses words from the down clues. The "answers" section are words from the answer grid. The title uses words from any section.

I started the form in April of 2002 and composed over 600 poems using the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. You can view these poems at my website, hungrybutscared.com.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Today's Poem - a holiday spent


the holiday spent



slide show

a doctor's request

little gray kitten

washed fruit


some letters

loose ends



a face

and the water in vases

The above poem was composed using only words found in the New York Times Crossword Puzzle. The "across" section of the poem uses words from the across clues to the puzzle. The "down" section uses words from the down clues. The "answers" section uses words from the answer grid. The title of the poem uses words from any section. I write these poems Monday through Saturday and post them on my website:


If you would enjoy receiving these poems, please send your email address to peter@hungrybutscared.com and I will add you to the list.

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